Helping People Succeed

Helping People Succeed was founded in 1964. We provide opportunities and choices that help children, families, and adults improve their quality of life through education, counseling, training, and employment. Programs include Baby Steps, where families receive a proper start from the beginning; Healthy Families assists families who have risk factors of abuse and neglect; Behavioral Health Services supports children who have behavioral and emotional needs; and Community Connections/Employment Services helps in finding employment and a contributing role in the community for adults with disabilities.
Donations will be used to support a new program now in its second year: “Helping Kids Succeed”, an every day after school program as well as a summer camp program. Many of these children are unable to attend other school or camp programs because of their disruptive behaviors.
Web: www.hpsfl.org
Facebook: Helping People Succeed
TAX ID: 59-1051699